Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mud Pies

This is not a recipe post!!

A couple weeks ago, after a particularly LOOONG day, actually if I am honest it was a long couple days! The boys were just into EVERYTHING. I had cleaned them up from getting into the hose and water and mud 3 times that day. That doesn't mean just a slight, quick clean up. That means extra laundry, cleaning now dirty, muddy floors, making sure the dog doesn't get into the mud. You can see why the made for a really long day.
Yes that is them, fully clothed, ready to go out to dinner, now soaking wet!

They love water! They are boys who like dirt and mud. Ephraim decided to make mud pies and throw them at the door and his brother. After that rough day, and an early bedtime for everyone, I sat down for probably the first time that day -not counting feeding baby J- and I cried. I broke down. I felt like a bad mom. I wanted to hide in the closet eating chocolates and an adult drink. But instead, I crawled into bed with our oldest, already sound asleep. The most peaceful those boys get! I just laid down and snuggled him! I snuggled and prayed. God gave me these boys, He didn't make a mistake in giving them to me. He chose my husband and me for these boys for a reason. I love them! And I will raise them to be Godly young men. Who just happen to really love playing in the hose. 

I know someone will say, "You should have been watching them better." Do you not use the bathroom? Do you not make them lunch? Do you not sit and nurse the baby? I can't always keep an eye on them 24/7. I am not a helicopter mom. I allow my boys to play, to make messes. I allow them to be boys!! 
So since our rough long day, since my breakdown, I have been making a point to actually do more with them. A planned activity. Getting back into those things with them. This is our first summer out of school, our first summer break. between school and baby J being born, I had been slacking on stuff like that. They are active boys, they love to be busy. 
We have painted, we have played in the hose. Long walks, park time. Splash pad. Pool days. Things have been better. Less breakdowns for everyone! 

Its a little bit of a stress reliever to
 spray your children down with the hose!

What activities, the less mess the better, do you enjoy with your little ones?!

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