Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our last First's

6 month picture
Baby J will be our last baby! It is something we have prayed about and decided on. We are both on board with it. That doesn't mean some times its not sad.

He is growing so quickly. It seems like just last week I was walking the hospital halls in labor! When really last week, he cut his first tooth; actually his first two teeth! Our last first tooth! I am trying so hard to cherish these moment even more than normal. They go way to fast.

He wouldn't show me those teeth!!

He is pulling up and standing. Soon he will be taking his first steps. Being away from family, makes it even more bitter sweet. They only get pictures and videos. I love being able to capture these moment for them though!

He takes a bottle. That right there is something my older two never did. They only wanted mommy. Am I glad I have a little more freedom with him? Sure why wouldn't I be? Does it make me sad when he will reach for Daddy and the bottle over me!? ABSOLUTELY!! I can't believe how fast this little man is growing!! I want to hold on to this moments, these snuggles, forever!!!

SO here is to holding onto those {last} first memories.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


In just a few weeks I will starting my journey as a LuLaRoe fashion consultant!!! 
I am so excited about this journey!! I love this clothing! I love the confidence it gives! The fun, colorful patterns, they continue to come out with!!

Have you tried LuLaRoe!? 
What do you love about it? 
Why haven't you tired it? 
What is your favorite piece?
Your unicorn?
From the Americana collection, but suitable for me all the time!! 

I am getting my Facebook page, group and Instagram set up and going!! Make sure you like, follow and join! I will be posting inventory and giveaways!!


Instagram - threearrowsllr


I hope you will join me in this journey!! And find some amazing clothing you will LOVE!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Mud Pies

This is not a recipe post!!

A couple weeks ago, after a particularly LOOONG day, actually if I am honest it was a long couple days! The boys were just into EVERYTHING. I had cleaned them up from getting into the hose and water and mud 3 times that day. That doesn't mean just a slight, quick clean up. That means extra laundry, cleaning now dirty, muddy floors, making sure the dog doesn't get into the mud. You can see why the made for a really long day.
Yes that is them, fully clothed, ready to go out to dinner, now soaking wet!

They love water! They are boys who like dirt and mud. Ephraim decided to make mud pies and throw them at the door and his brother. After that rough day, and an early bedtime for everyone, I sat down for probably the first time that day -not counting feeding baby J- and I cried. I broke down. I felt like a bad mom. I wanted to hide in the closet eating chocolates and an adult drink. But instead, I crawled into bed with our oldest, already sound asleep. The most peaceful those boys get! I just laid down and snuggled him! I snuggled and prayed. God gave me these boys, He didn't make a mistake in giving them to me. He chose my husband and me for these boys for a reason. I love them! And I will raise them to be Godly young men. Who just happen to really love playing in the hose. 

I know someone will say, "You should have been watching them better." Do you not use the bathroom? Do you not make them lunch? Do you not sit and nurse the baby? I can't always keep an eye on them 24/7. I am not a helicopter mom. I allow my boys to play, to make messes. I allow them to be boys!! 
So since our rough long day, since my breakdown, I have been making a point to actually do more with them. A planned activity. Getting back into those things with them. This is our first summer out of school, our first summer break. between school and baby J being born, I had been slacking on stuff like that. They are active boys, they love to be busy. 
We have painted, we have played in the hose. Long walks, park time. Splash pad. Pool days. Things have been better. Less breakdowns for everyone! 

Its a little bit of a stress reliever to
 spray your children down with the hose!

What activities, the less mess the better, do you enjoy with your little ones?!

Monday, July 4, 2016

No bake Key Lime pie!

Yum!! Key lime pies!! 
I can't say I had ever really had any until we made them for on of my sisters Bridal showers last summer. We made cute individual cups of pie. They were a hit, and they were delicious.

Bridal shower pies!
So fast forward to a few weeks ago, I really wanted to make these for a girls night in I was going to. I called my sister and all she could tell me was she found the recipe on a website... Thats not very helpful. So I searched for some recipes,  and I made my own!! They were delicious!! 

SO here it is. 
Room temperature cream cheese (8 oz)
It needs to be almost warm. 
1 can sweet condensed milk (14 oz)
 Cool whip (8-12 oz.)
2-4 limes

Graham cracker crust or shortbread cookies 

I use my handy KitchenAid. I love having one. When we made this more my sister's bridal shower, we did not have one, and it made the process a little longer. Not bad, but its a lot easier to throw it one bowl and go!

Whip the cream cheese until smooth. This turns out best when the cream cheese is room temp.

When smooth, add the Sweet condensed milk, and cool whip. 

zest 1-2 limes, add to mix - my zester was missing. I really don't remember the last time I used it, so I had to figure out something else. You know what works pretty well - a steak knife. Just use the serrated part and scrap the lime. Be careful if you try this way.

 Juice 2-4 limes, add to mix to taste, I used 2 this time,
 but 3 last time. 
If you are making individual pies, place the shortbread cookies in small cups. Fill cups with pie fill to half full. f using Graham Cracker crust, well I have not done it this way so I am not sure if it take the full amount of filling we have. Can also be used as a dip with shortbread cookies and/or vanilla wafers! 

Hope you enjoy this nice summer treat!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Three Little Arrows

Three is 'full enough' for me! Three boys, just makes it seem that much more full. I cherish my children! They are an amazing blessing from God. I have seen enough  to know I am truly blessed to have them! Are there days I have taken them for granted, yes. Are there days I got a little more frustrated with them than I should, yes! But there are also days I held them tighter, for just a little bit longer than normal. Our house is loud and crazy. I am sure as they get older it will only get louder and crazier! 
This is E. Our oldest.  This captures him so well.
   He is just a free spirit, fun, loving goofball!       

And this is Baby J.
 Our last baby.

He is definitely already the baby of the family.

This is B. Our middle son. 
He is so easy going, most the time.
 He is already so sweet and caring.



They all already have such different personality. Yet they all look exactly alike!!
We get asked if E and B are twins all the time. They are 21 months apart.
B and baby J are just shy of 3 years apart.
They keep life busy and interesting!

This times they are all quite and peaceful, I love those moments!