Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Our last First's

6 month picture
Baby J will be our last baby! It is something we have prayed about and decided on. We are both on board with it. That doesn't mean some times its not sad.

He is growing so quickly. It seems like just last week I was walking the hospital halls in labor! When really last week, he cut his first tooth; actually his first two teeth! Our last first tooth! I am trying so hard to cherish these moment even more than normal. They go way to fast.

He wouldn't show me those teeth!!

He is pulling up and standing. Soon he will be taking his first steps. Being away from family, makes it even more bitter sweet. They only get pictures and videos. I love being able to capture these moment for them though!

He takes a bottle. That right there is something my older two never did. They only wanted mommy. Am I glad I have a little more freedom with him? Sure why wouldn't I be? Does it make me sad when he will reach for Daddy and the bottle over me!? ABSOLUTELY!! I can't believe how fast this little man is growing!! I want to hold on to this moments, these snuggles, forever!!!

SO here is to holding onto those {last} first memories.