Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Three Little Arrows

Three is 'full enough' for me! Three boys, just makes it seem that much more full. I cherish my children! They are an amazing blessing from God. I have seen enough  to know I am truly blessed to have them! Are there days I have taken them for granted, yes. Are there days I got a little more frustrated with them than I should, yes! But there are also days I held them tighter, for just a little bit longer than normal. Our house is loud and crazy. I am sure as they get older it will only get louder and crazier! 
This is E. Our oldest.  This captures him so well.
   He is just a free spirit, fun, loving goofball!       

And this is Baby J.
 Our last baby.

He is definitely already the baby of the family.

This is B. Our middle son. 
He is so easy going, most the time.
 He is already so sweet and caring.



They all already have such different personality. Yet they all look exactly alike!!
We get asked if E and B are twins all the time. They are 21 months apart.
B and baby J are just shy of 3 years apart.
They keep life busy and interesting!

This times they are all quite and peaceful, I love those moments!